Dialogue with shareholders & investors

1. System for promoting dialogue

Yaskawa believes it is important to promote constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors in order to achieve sustainable growth and improve corporate value over the medium to long term. Senior management, including the president, the director in charge of IR, and the general manager of Corporate Communications, actively engage in dialogue with shareholders and investors as necessary. To this end, we have appointed a director in charge of IR and appointed the Corporate Communications Division as the IR department to promote daily IR activities. Furthermore, to ensure that the IR activities function effectively, Corporate Communications Division works with related departments, such as Corporate Planning, Accounting, and Legal Affairs, as well as business divisions and major subsidiaries and affiliates within the Group to promote dialogue.

Director in charge:Shuji Murakami, Representative Director, Corporate Executive Vice President
Department in charge:Corporate Communications Division

2. Efforts to enhance means of dialogue with shareholders and investors

Meetings with shareholders and institutional investors

To enhance dialogue with shareholders and institutional investors in Japan and overseas, we actively hold individual meetings and exchange information with each other. For overseas shareholders and investors with whom we have limited opportunities to communicate on a daily basis, we are working to enhance communication by attending conferences hosted by securities companies overseas and by making individual visits. We maximize opportunities for dialogue between shareholders and investors and senior management, and enhance dialogue activities.

Initiatives for dialogue other than meetings

Yaskawa has positioned the General Meeting of Shareholders as an opportunity to fulfill its accountability to shareholders, and is taking measures to promote the exercise of voting rights by shareholders, such as explaining proposals, introducing the means to exercise voting rights through the Internet, and expediting the shipment of convocation notice to shareholders. Also, on the day of the General Meeting of Shareholders, efforts are being made to enhance explanations to shareholders regarding our group’s business, operating results, and initiatives of our company including ESG. We also actively hold various events (Results briefings, conference calls, business briefings, plant tours, IR events for individual investors, etc.) tailored to shareholders, analysts, institutional investors and individual investors. From the viewpoint of fair disclosure, we continuously improve information disclosure by posting various IR materials such as results briefing materials (supplements to financial results), Q & A at briefing sessions, and integrated reports to promote medium- to long-term value creation on the official website.*

* https://www.yaskawa-global.com/

3. Effective feedback of opinions from shareholders

The opinions and requests of shareholders and investors as well as analyst reports that are published as needed are fed back to senior management at Yaskawa, with the Corporate Communications Division playing a central role. Corporate Communications Division also makes regular reporting on the dialogue to the Board of Directors and the Management Committee to discuss ways to enhance corporate value.

4. Measures for management of insider information at dialogues

As for the information disclosure policy, including the management of insider information, we have established a separate disclosure policy* to ensure fair disclosure and take appropriate measures.

* https://www.yaskawa-global.com/ir/management/disclosure