

Toward Digital
Transformation Age

Sustainable growth by data


    Headquarters District Reorganization

    In 2015, celebrating the 100th anniversary, the headquarters area was remodeled as a robot village with a new headquarters building and Yaskawa Innovation center as well as reforming as a history museum. In 2021, the Yaskawa Technology Center (YTC), which will be a technical hub for 600 engineers, also began operations.

    • Mr. and Mrs. Antonin Raymond

    YASKAWA History Museum Designed by Antonin Raymond

    The lecture hall, a part of the former headquarters, completed in 1954, was restored during the centennial project in 2015. It is a unique architecture with an organic and wave-shaped (cylindrical shape) facade despite the solid concrete, and preserved as a history museum. The design of the former headquarters and lecture hall was assigned to the up-and-coming Raymond architectural design firm, a follower of Frank Lloyd Wright, known as the “three great masters of modern architecture”. This historically valuable structure has been elaborated not only in design but also in functional detail, such as the louver design that flows the natural wind.


    Proposing Solution Concept i³-Mechatronics

    Amid the trend toward the IoT, in 2017, Yaskawa proposed i³-Mechatronics, a solution concept that adds digital data utilization to automation by mechatronics equipment. In order to realize this, we develop new products from both the hardware and software perspectives, such as new controllers and data visualization software, verify the products at our own plants, strengthen solution sales, and to provide value to our customers as we move toward a new industrial automation revolution.

    Solution Concept i³-Mechatronics

    First Year of YDX

    Under the leadership of the 10th president, Mr. Ogasawara, who stated that “data is the global common language, “we designated 2020 as the first year of YDX and continued to promote Yaskawa’s DX. The visualization of management information, such as the unifying of accounting codes for some 70 consolidated group companies, has enabled the real-time understanding of management-related numbers.


    Yaskawa Principles and Sustainability Policy

    Yaskawa experienced a sense of danger in management during the confusion of the first oil shock in the 1970s, and based on the “founding motivation” of its founder, Daigoro Yasukawa, the company formulated its corporate principles in 1979.
    We have reclassified our principles into “Our Purpose,” “Our Values” and “Our Actions” in 2022 as the Yaskawa Principles to promote better understanding and strengthen the practices of all employees globally. Prior to this, we formulated our Sustainability Policy in 2021. In line with this policy, we identify sustainability tasks and target materiality, and promote strategic sustainability by developing targets in the long-term and mid-term business plans.


    New challenges in “motors and their applications”

    The applications of electric motors are expanding rapidly in line with industrial advancement. We use our unchanging concept “motors and their applications” in new fields such as assembly of smartphone components, maintenance of base stations for 5G, transportation of secondary batteries in EVs, pipelines to secure energy (oil & gas), semiconductors required to be refined to a few nanometers, automated logistics warehouses to cover labor shortages, and plant factories. And we continues to take on new challenges to meet our customer’s needs and wants. These activities are the very practices of the Yaskawa Principles, which states the mission of the Yaskawa Group is to contribute broadly to social development and human welfare through the execution of our business.

    Yaskawa Principles Our business


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